Роберт Оуэн Цитаты

Роберт Оуэн Цитаты

Роберт Оуэн Цитаты
16 мая 2021


Роберт Оуэн

Дата рождения: 14. Май 1771
Дата смерти: 17. Ноябрь 1858

Роберт Оуэн — английский философ, педагог и социалист, один из первых социальных реформаторов XIX века. Wikipedia

Цитаты Роберт Оуэн

  • Советуем
  • популярный
  • последний

„Человек теперь ни на йоту не ближе к счастью, чем в те времена, от которых к нам дошли первые известия о людях.“

„Благодаря воспитанию в отдаленном будущем несовершенное человечество превратится в новую расу людей — таково могущество воспитания.“

„Я жду великого от вашей родины, у вас поле чище, у вас попы не так сильны, предрассудки не так закоснели… а сил-то… а сил-то!“

Из беседы Роберта Оуэна и Александра Герцена

„My life was not useless; I gave important truths to the world, and it was only for want of understanding that they were disregarded. I have been ahead of my time.“

Deathbed statement (November 1858), in response to a church minister who asked if he regretted wasting his life on fruitless projects; as quoted in Harold Hill : A People’s History http://www.haroldhill.org/section_two/section_two_page_one.htm (2004).

„It is not, however, to be imagined, that this free and open exposure of the gross errors in which the existing generation has been instructed, should be forthwith palatable to the world; it would be contrary to reason to form any such expectations.“

A New View of Society (1813-1816)
Контексте: All that is now requisite, previous to withdrawing the last mental bandage by which hitherto the human race has been kept in darkness and misery, is, by calm and patient reasoning to tranquillize the public mind, and thus prevent the evil effects which otherwise might arise from the too sudden prospect of freely enjoying rational liberty of mind. To withdraw that bandage without danger, reason must be judiciously applied to lead men of every sect (for all have been in part abused to reflect that if untold myriads of beings, formed like themselves, have been so grossly deceived as they believe them to have been, what power in nature was there to prevent them from being equally deceived? Such reflections, steadily pursued by those who are anxious to follow the plain and simple path of reason, will soon make it obvious that the inconsistencies which they behold in all other sects out of their own pale, are precisely similar to those which all other sects can readily discover within that pale. It is not, however, to be imagined, that this free and open exposure of the gross errors in which the existing generation has been instructed, should be forthwith palatable to the world; it would be contrary to reason to form any such expectations. Yet, as evil exists, and as man cannot be rational, nor of course happy, until the cause of it shall be removed; the writer, like a physician who feels the deepest interest in the welfare of his patient, has hitherto administered of this unpalatable restorative the smallest quantity which he deemed sufficient for the purpose. He now waits to see the effects which that may produce. Should the application not prove of sufficient strength to remove the mental disorder, he promises that it shall be increased, until sound health to the public mind be firmly and permanently established.

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;) :| :x :twisted: :sad: :roll: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :idea: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :P :D :???: :?: :-) :!: 8O

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